Many years ago, I was a Youth Minister at my church. My best friend’s daughter was a member of my youth group. Debbie was interested in learning about the Equine world, especially show horses. This presented a couple of challenges, her parents lived a middle-class life on a suburban street in the city, and I had a 10-acre farm with a couple of dairy calves but no horse.

One day I got a call from my neighbor up the road. His two horses had gotten out…… again. He wanted to know if he could put them in my pasture for a few days while he fixed his fences. The answer, of course, was yes. Almost a month later, the thought came to me that this situation may solve a couple of problems simultaneously. I told him the story of Debbie and asked if he would bring his tack over to my barn, and he said yes. I would invite Debbie to ride one of the horses, and I would look out for her from the other. Jerry did finally fix his fences almost a year later. In the meantime, Debbie became quite the show horse rider. Ain’t life Grand?