Horses are prey animals, and as such, they are naturally anxious. This anxiety can be triggered by various things, such as loud noises, sudden movements, or unfamiliar surroundings. Most of these occur when a horse is transported, during training, and especially during performance. When a horse is anxious, it may sweat, breathe heavily, or pace back and forth. In some cases, it may even become aggressive.


If you have a horse prone to anxiety, there are several things you can do to help calm them down. Here are a few tips:

  • Use a calming supplement. There are several horse performance supplements, such as Total Calm & Focus. Total Calm & Focus is a natural formula to calm your nervous, anxious horse while enhancing focus. Ramisol is the cutting-edge ingredient in Total Calm & Focus that has offered proven results in the previous 2 Olympic Games, World Equestrian Games, and World and National Championships across all breed groups and disciplines over the last several years.


Total Calm & Focus Supplement for Horses - Calming Supplements for Horses



  • Create a calm environment. Horses are more likely to be anxious in noisy or chaotic environments. Try to create a calm and peaceful environment for your horse. This may mean turning off loud music, closing curtains to block out bright lights, or moving your horse to a quieter part of the barn.
  • Provide plenty of exercise. Exercise can help to reduce anxiety in horses. Ensure your horse is getting at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. This will help to tire them out and make them less likely to become anxious.
  • Teach your horse relaxation techniques. There are many relaxation techniques that you can teach your horse. These techniques can help your horse learn how to calm themselves down when feeling anxious. Some standard relaxation techniques include:
    • Tapping: Gently tap your horse's neck or shoulder with your fingertips.
    • Massage: Massage your horse's muscles to help them relax. Your vet will know of professionals like Massage therapists and Chiropractors specializing in horses.
    • Grooming: Grooming your horse can help to calm them down and make them feel more relaxed.
  • Be patient and consistent. It may take some time and patience to help your horse overcome their anxiety. Be consistent with your training, and don't give up. With time and effort, you can help your horse to become more relaxed and less anxious.


Here are some additional tips that may help to calm an anxious horse:

  • Talk to your horse in a calm voice. The sound of your voice can help to soothe your horse.
  • Avoid making sudden movements. Sudden movements can startle your horse and make them more anxious.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. If you are in a situation likely to make your horse anxious, try to avoid it.
  • If your horse becomes aggressive, do not approach them. Back away slowly and give them some space.


If you are concerned about your horse's anxiety, it is essential to consult with a veterinarian or a certified equine behaviorist. They can help you develop a plan to help your horse overcome their anxiety and live more relaxed lives.


Here are some additional SEO terms that you can use to describe how to calm the anxiety in horses:

  • horse anxiety
  • how to calm an anxious horse
  • natural remedies for horse anxiety
  • equine behaviorist
  • horse training
  • horsemanship
  • horse care
  • horse health
  • horse welfare
  • horse rescue