I recently listened to a doctor who said nothing is more important to health than what you eat. I'm afraid I have to disagree; I would restate that to say, "Nothing is more important to health than what your gut does with what you eat."

Two of our top products suggest that the best and brightest horse owners know this. Ramard Total Gut Health and Ramard Total Pre and Probiotic are the most requested products in our lineup. Total Gut Health Horse Supplements help your animal gain the most from what they eat and help with things like; Poor absorption, Discomfort of the intestines due to an overabundance of bacteria, Occasional loose stool or stomach upset induced by changes in the environment, stress or dietary changes, Support of normal stomach pH and helps maintain proper gut flora as well as Colic caused by sand and other materials, Preventing free radical damage and Support for the protective layers of the bowel.

Total Gut Health Supplements promote overall gut health

BioFlavex, a key ingredient in Total Gut Health, has been proven to support the body's natural ability to balance bacteria that cause GI upset. Ramard's Beta Glucan, with its specific bond of (1,3/1,6), is a compelling immune support product that helps facilitate normal bowel motility and may help modulate normal mucosal immunity of the intestinal tract.

Ramard Total Pre & Probiotic Supplements

Citrus Meal: contains powerful flavonoids such as Optimize Balance, proven to support the body's natural ability to balance bacteria known to cause GI upset.

This is the most effective one-two punch for your performance horses. There are so many things that can affect their Gut balance. Each time we interrupt their routines, we affect many systems, but none more critical than their GI system. Things that can trigger trouble are; Therapy, Changes in environment, feed or diet, Birthing/foaling, Traveling, kenneling and veterinary visits, Training, and Competition. We should pay close attention to these things and offer the best horse supplements available to do all we can to help balance their gut health at every opportunity.

Thank You for being a Caring Horse Owner.